Blitz (45/144)

Date:14 May 2001 at 08:40:55
Subject:Re: 2 questions

> I wonder if there is any command to activate GTString gadget (so the
> user hasn't click all the time on the gadget to write some text). The
> second question is how to write a procedure that will be save data to
> I want to store some datas from a dimention variable DIM MYVAR(200) into
> file. I think that I should use Fields, Put, Get commands, but how to put
> that all together?
1. Uzyj funkcji Activatestring
2. Zapis do pliku najczesciej robie uzywajac dwoch funkcji:
a) file output + nprint
b) fileoutput + writemem


Krzysiek, eteacher@amiga,

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